Saturday 15 August 2009

nanowrimo 2009

Nanowrimo stands for National novel writing month. Although in fact it is more global than national. The challenge takes place each November and the concept is straightforward. can you write a novel of at least 50,000 words starting on Nov 1st and finishing by midnight Nov 30th?

I came across nanowrimo for the first time last October and decided to give it a go. There is a website to gather the community of writers together and there are meet ups in many big towns and cities.

For a long time I had thought I could write novels. I had the ideas for characters and plots; the words seemed to be there in my head. But, predictably, a lack of time and a thousand other feeble excuses prevented me from ever committing to paper.

The construct of the nanowrimo challenge is great. Nobody is there to judge the entries. Everyone who completes the 50,000 words is a "winner" and perhaps most importantly of all (for me) the instruction is DON'T EDIT. the intention being not to start December with a polished masterpiece but have instead a completed first draft.

I will take the nanowrimo challenge again. I'm not sure if it will be this year. I have an idea for a sequel to last year's book and I don't know if I can hold off starting for another two and a half months. I really don't have the time to work on two books concurrently - or is that just another feeble excuse?

1 comment:

  1. I'm doing NaNoWriMo this year but really as a way of building up practice and stamina in preparation for next year when I have sworn I will complete it. I've got a bit of an idea but I need to start doing a bit of research... :)
